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NASA’S beloved mascot unmasked as Russian spy

In a shocking revelation that has sent shockwaves through the corridors of NASA, the agency’s long-standing pet goose and official mascot, Leif Erikson, has been unmasked as a Russian agent highly proficient in technological espionage. The discovery has raised serious concerns about potential breaches in national security within the renowned space agency.

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The Extroversion Revolution: Surgically Transforming Introverts into Society’s Ideal Citizens

In a world where extroversion reigns supreme, introversion has long been regarded as a thorn in the side of society. Afflicting an estimated 25% to 40% of the population, introversion is a condition that has been perceived as a hindrance to social harmony and economic progress.

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Read more about the article Vicious Attack by Herd of Wild Boar Zombies Shocks Rural Village
Choulet-des-Pieds following the attack by the wild boar zombies. Photograph: E. Diot

Vicious Attack by Herd of Wild Boar Zombies Shocks Rural Village

In an unprecedented and harrowing incident, a small rural village became the setting for a terrifying attack by a herd of wild boar zombies. The unsuspecting inhabitants of this serene community were thrust into a nightmarish scenario, with eyewitnesses reporting scenes of panic and mayhem.

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